You try to get up from the desk one day. A burning sensation suddenly immobilizes you. The pain and supporting cramps can happen in any given area of the body. But, most notably, it occurs in the lower back, knees, or wrists. No age group can stay safe from arthritis. There are more than 200 different sub-varieties of the disease. Both young and old people can suffer from it. And modern-day medicine is far from developing a cure. Once you have it, the only thing to do is to try and subdue its symptoms.
Joint pain is a very common problem characterized by a feeling of pain around one or several synovial tissues. In medicine, it is referred to as arthralgia. The painful sensation can happen in any part of the body – bones, cartilage, tendons, or muscles. Joint pain can be mild, happening only during or after certain activities, or it can be more severe, which can lead to limited movement. In such cases, any pressure will make you completely immobilized. The Arthritis Foundation links joint pain to many causes.
Luckily, there are many different ways to treat excruciating joint pain nowadays. Science and medicine have advanced to a high point. The market offers a multitude of different all-natural solutions that neuter the cramps and help reduce swellings and inflammation. One of the top-preferred products in 2020 is Motion Free. It has an all-natural formula that includes, like a propolis and chondroitin complex.
Why do joint pains and cramps occur? How to treat them naturally? Which foods can boost synovial well-being? Which products should I avoid eating? Why does the condition of my joints seems to get worse in bad weather?
Learn all the answers below!
Joint Pain – Why & When Does It Happen
Depending on the cause, the pain may occur while engaging in a random physical activity or while your body is resting. The accompanying symptoms of the condition may be warming and swelling in the joints, stiffness, and tenderness. There is also a general feeling of weakness. Joints are formed by the connection of two or more bones in the human skeleton. They allow the bones to move due to their elasticity and flexibility. Inside them, there is a synovial fluid that relieves friction between the articular cartilage and the bone ends.
Knee pains are the most common complaint, followed by pain in the shoulder and hip joint. But joint pain can affect any part of your body, from the ankles and feet to the hands. With age, painful joints become an increasingly common problem. Joint pain can range from mild to debilitating. They may disappear after a few weeks (acute pain) or last for months (chronic pain). Even short-term pain and swelling of the joints can affect the quality of life.
But why do joint pain and cramps occur? Here are some of the main reasons:
- Injuries, poisonings, & the impact of external traumas – consequences of injuries to the arm or leg, fracture, dislocation, stretching or tearing of a tendon or muscle.
- Infectious and parasitic diseases – colds, flu, Lyme disease, early syphilis, and virally-transmitted conditions;
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue – bursitis, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or osteoporosis;
Joint Pain During Seasonal Change or Bad Weather
In ancient times, Hippocrates established a link between humid climates and joint pain. But he didn’t have the scientific tools to prove it. Over the years, other experts have established this connection. They even observed a beneficial effect on patients when warming an inflamed joint. Based on this, doctors began advising people with similar problems to move to warmer, sunnier, and less humid places. The effect was very impressive, so they began to actively study this relationship.
One of the largest studies in this regard was conducted by a team in the Rheumatology Department at Boston Medical Center, Massachusetts. It included 200 patients from different parts of America with an average age of 60-64 years. The team monitored their complaints, pain, symptoms, temperature values, barometric pressure, precipitation, humidity. The team recorded all data for each patient every day for 3 months. Despite the large body of data, the researchers found a link between low temperatures, high humidity, and the severity of arthritis.
On the one hand, scientists point out that barometric pressure can be one of the main reasons why our knees, thighs, and other joints hurt when it rains. Barometric pressure is defined as the weight of the surrounding atmosphere. When the barometric pressure is higher, the tissues in the body expand. Usually, the barometric pressure drops before the rain. The lower air pressure compresses the body. In turn, the tissues expand and form more pressure on the joints. This pressure remains almost imperceptible. The pain and cramps are caused by osmoreceptors in the blood vessels. They react to changes in the external environment and affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems in the body. According to scientists, this is where the pain signals for changes in atmospheric pressure are generated.
How to Treat Painful Joints Naturally
Regardless of the cause of the pain and stiffness in the joints, there is a way to control and reduce the symptoms and pain. Doctors recommend several techniques to alleviate the situation. Of course, it is also good to maintain a healthy weight, avoiding sugars and unhealthy fats. Remember, the more kilos you have, the more will your joints hurt.
We have compiled a shortlist of the best ones below:
- Keep the joints warm;
- Stretch them up a bit before going outside;
- Wear comfortable shoes (avoid those with high heels or too heavy soles);
- Reduce your weight if necessary & maintain healthy weights suitable for your skeleton;
- Stop smoking because it causes stress on the connective tissue, which leads to increased pain;
- Do light exercise to improve joint flexibility;
- Apply hot compresses on painful joints;
- Acupuncture & massage can also help relieve pain;
- Eat healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially foods with Omega-3 fatty acids;
Tackle Joint Pain with the Help of Mother Nature
Joint pain and cramps can have a debilitating effect on the human body. They immobilize you, taking away all lust for life. To tackle these symptoms, you can always turn to Mother Nature’s precious gifts. One of the top preferred products for more joint mobility and flexibility is HondroStrong. The product’s formula is based on propolis. It is safe and quick to take effect, bringing you back on the runway!
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