The smaller sized breasts stay right where they are supposed to but often go unnoticed. The gentler part of humanity has tested all available natural breast augmentation methods with varying degrees of success. There is also surgical breast augmentation but it is risky, temporary, and expensive. Traditional recipes often feature ingredients whose effectiveness is confirmed decades later by medicine and science. But where?
The gentler part of humanity has tested all available natural breast augmentation methods with varying degrees of success. Traditional recipes often feature ingredients whose effectiveness is confirmed decades later by medicine and science. But where do fiction end and the truth begin?
There are a number of absurd practices, such as the old Slavic tradition, which was subsequently adopted by the Proto-Bulgarians, for rolling around in fresh dew on the early morning meadows. It is nowadays often referred to in order to describe something impossible but its actual implementation is not easy at all.
In order for the ritual to be successful, the girl must be an unspoiled maiden and wake up before sunrise for seven consecutive days, so that she can roll in the fresh dew as the sun embarks on the horizon. Slavic tribes thought that this would make the breasts literally “blossom” and remain even for the rest of her earthly days.
Ancient English and the Scandinavian tribes also do not stay behind their Eastern-European neighbors, and their folk breast enhancing traditions involve the consumption of a significant amount of beer, as well as the making of special kinds of tea and bust augmenting cream from a hop extract.
Even Slavic nations have used the plant to fully stimulate the natural growth of the female bosom. Contemporary society, however, is presented with 100% safe and organic breast enlarging solutions – Bravona Forte will form the dream shapes and curves for you in no time!
Modern breast enlargement creams and their parallel evening and lifting effects have little to do with the above-mentioned traditional practices, although some of the studies which led to their design and creation were provoked exactly by them.
Let’s find out more about the technology behind these natural bust enhancing solutions and learn how they work.
What is a Natural Bust Enhancing Cream
Breast augmentation ointments are effective and give long-lasting results. They not only add more volume to the neckline but also have an evening effect on the surrounding skin. Such creams stimulate and harmonize the processes associated with estrogen production – the so-called ‘female hormone’, which is the main responsible one for the appearance of a woman.
Natural breast enhancing creams feature active plant, fruit, and herbal extracts. They have a strong effect on the estrogen levels in the body. They can also stimulate the breast to grow, giving them a lush and round shape, and even out the skin that goes along their contour to produce a lifting effect.
This is actually the secret of the way the natural bust enhancing solutions work.
How to Apply a Bust Augmenting Cream
Applying this kind of even and enhanced bust solutions should always be accompanied by a gentle massaging of the bosoms. This practice is almost compulsory, as it stimulates the increased blood flow towards the chest area and makes them grow faster.
Movements should be directed inwards towards the breasts, and the palms of the hands should be preheated. The latter can be done easily by rubbing them together for about a half of a minute. In the colder months when blood pressure slows down, one may need to stop the massage at some point and warm up his hands once or twice more.
It is a good for the breast enhancing cream to be applied twice daily – in the morning and in the evening. This will lead to speedy results!
No need to wash off the cream after use – it will be well absorbed in the skin. FYI – the amount of cream to use should be as big as a pee;)
Which are the Most Popular Breast Enhancing Ingredients
There are certain types of fully natural products that have a particularly beneficial effect on active breast growth. Among them falls the popular snail slime extract, which is widely applied in modern cosmetics.
This is mainly due to its strongly expressed regenerative properties and antiseptic effect. It makes the skin around the chest even and elastic but gentle to touch at the same time. All fruits that are rich in Vitamin D are also commonly used in various kinds of breast augmentation cream.
Estrogen-rich foods promote the luscious and exquisite appearance of the bust. Some of them include sesame, leguminous plants, sunflower seeds, fenugreek seeds, red clover, and the pomegranate.
Bust Enhancing Cream – From Science for Women
Applied beauty standards sometimes require too much out of women. Their foppish nature drives them to constantly seek the perfect outlook while all eyes are directed at their neckline. The science and recent technological discoveries have already led to the creation of a number of truly effective and completely natural bust enhancing solutions that can help them achieve the visual perfection.
Of course there are some alternative products besides cream that lead to excellent results. For example the MagicBust Spray are more appropriate for women that do not like applying cream – and don’t want to spend the time doing so.
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