Metabon capsules Review Nigeria India Tanzania KenyaMetabon is all-natural capsules that serve for the quick elimination of parasites, present in the body. The manufacturer states that the product is safe for intake by anyone above 18. It purifies the intestines and tackles over 200 different types of helminths and harmful microorganisms. Metabon reviews and testimonials on forums are quite positive about the action of the pills. No complaints about contraindications can be found in the feedback.


Parasitologists from 3 different countries examined what Metabon serves for. The capsules are 95% effective for the elimination of parasitic entities and their larvae. The most important ingredient in the composition is the Phyllanthus Amarus extract. The plant cleanses the intestines and stomach and purifies the skin. It eliminates visual imperfections, helps you lose weight, and regulates sebum production in the pores. Additional extracts include Centella Asiatica leaf, Curcuma Longa, and Apium Graveolens. Metabon is one of the most talked about detox solutions on the web. It has successfully undergone several clinical trials and earned a Certificate of Quality/

Where to buy Metabon at the best price in Nigeria, Malaysia, the Philippines, and India? Are there many scams that get offered on e-sales portals, like Watson, Lazada, Mercury Drug, Shopee, and Amazon, as legit detoxification solutions? How to eat the capsules for complete parasite removal, according to their instructions for use? What does it serve for?

Learn more in this Metabon review 2025!

Metabon – What Is It & What Does It Serve for

Metabon – What Is It

Metabon is all-natural capsules that serve for the quick and rapid elimination of internal parasites and their larvae. The manufacturer says that the product is safe for anyone above the age of 18. It performs full-on detoxification and cleansing of the body. The organic Phyllanthus Amarus extract in the composition gently cleanses the intestines and clears out the skin from imperfections. Parasitologists from 3 different countries examined what Metabon serves and confirm that it is 95% effective for the complete removal of parasitic microorganisms.

Clients are quite satisfied with its action and have not issued any complaints. The organic capsules’ ability to cleanse the body free of over 200 different types of parasites and helminths has been tested clinically. For the excellent results they achieve, the hard gel capsules earned a Certificate of Quality. A copy of it can be found inside the product packaging. Metabon is one of the most highly-advanced detoxification solutions, available on the market. It satiates the body with energy and even helps one lose weight.

Benefits & Advantage

Parasitologists confirm that Metabon’s benefits and advantages for body cleansing are more than those of medicine. The capsules do not contain any harmful chemicals and elevate the natural immunity defense of the body. This protects the organism from future infections.

Metabon’s benefits and advantages for the body are not only verified clinically but also by clients. Entire families have gotten rid of parasitic entities in their bodies, thanks to the hard gel capsules. They have an effectiveness of 95% and not only cleanse the intestines but also the stomach.


  • All-Natural Composition That Serves for the Quick Elimination of Parasites in a Month & a Half;
  • The Hard Gel Capsules Are 95% Effective for the Cleansing of Over 200 Types of Helminths from the Intestines;
  • They Give Energy to the Body, Clear Out the Skin, & Help One Lose Weight;
  • No Complaints about Contraindications Are Available Online;
  • The Manufacturer Currently Provides a -50% price Discount on the Official Website; 


  • A Light Diet, Rich In Vegetables Should Support the Intake of the Product;
  • There Is No Chance for One to Find Metabon in the Pharmacy; Mercury Drug, Lazada, Shopee; Watson

Nota Bene! Effects can vary individually!

Metabon Reviews & Opinions on Forums

Metabon capsules Review India Philippines Malaysia - Price, opinions and effects

Clients really like the action of the hard gel capsules and have not shared any negative Metabon reviews and testimonials on forums. Most of the feedback is positive and underlines the quick effects, brought on by the pills. They do not deprive one of energy and tone. And they make you feel full and help you lose weight. The body-cleansing is performed thoroughly and improves the appearance of the skin which is also the organ where parasitic infections manifest themselves the most. Experts agree that Metabon is safe and suitable for the complete detoxification of the intestines and stomach.

Reviews 2025:

Metabon helped my entire family get free of a nasty parasitic infection. My son got the harmful microorganisms in kindergarten and soon, everyone in the household fell ill. We felt nauseous and tired. Our stomachs were going crazy. Finally, my mother-in-law stepped in and advised us to get these hard gel capsules. The light organic composition impressed me and so did its normal price rate. I ordered several copies via the official website. Two months later, we are healthy again!Bunga Nik, 33, Kuala Lumpur;

These organic capsules have an immediate positive effect on you. You begin to feel energized and toned about 30 minutes after ingestion. All of the symptoms of having parasites present in your system, like headaches, dizziness, and nausea, disappear. A complete course of body cleansing with Metabon takes up about a month. And then, you are like a new person!John Mark Ramos, 41, Manila;

‘The hard gel capsules should be the first thing you try if you notice that you got infected with parasites. Their fast action makes you feel energized and helps you get through the day. The stomach pain and irritation disappear and your sleep pattern improves. Not to mention that they also cleanse the skin!’ Saanvi, 37;

Get with -50% Discounted Price Here!

Metabon Price in the Nigeria, India – Where to Buy in Tanzania

Metabon Price in the Philippines, Malaysia, & India

The manufacturer wants clients to know that the only place where to buy Metabon at a normal price online is the official website. The company does not distribute the product via retailers so that it can provide users with a normal Metabon price and the best-quality ingredients. There are regular discounts on the licensed web page, too.

If you are quick and visit the official website of Metabon now, you get a -50% price discount for every ordered copy. This comes in handy if your entire family has parasites. Be quick because the offer is valid for a limited time frame. Fill in the form with your details and confirm your order via a telephone call. The discreet packaging will arrive in 10 days and is paid for via COD.

Attention! Metabon is ordered in the standard way for a digital product. Clients complete the order form, confirm the details over the telephone, and wait for delivery which can take up to a week. The accepted payment method is COD during delivery!

Metabon in the Pharmacy – Jumia – Scams

There is no way to secure a copy of Metabon in the pharmacy. As mentioned above, the manufacturer sells it single-handedly so that it can maintain an equivalent price and good quality. You can safely order a copy of the original hard gel capsules for parasitic infections via their official site. There are many Metabon scams and fake products on Lazada, Shopee, Jumia, and Amazon. Be careful what you get from there!

How to Take Metabon – Instructions for Use, Dosage, & leaflet

Nothing is easier than learning how to eat Metabon right. Read the instructions for use in the leaflet and you will be informed about all the details. The hard gel capsules get dissolved in the stomach about 20-30 minutes after ingestion. Eating them should be combined with a more balanced diet plan, rich in vegetables, and enhanced drinking of water. The normal Metabon dosage is 2 pills daily.

This is how to take Metabon for parasites and body cleanse:

  1. Eat 1 capsule 30 minutes before breakfast & 1 more before dinner.
  2. Boost your metabolism with a vegetable-rich diet & drink more liquids.
  3. Repeat the procedure for a full calendar month.

Metabon Side Effects & Contraindications

No serious complaints about Metabon side effects and contraindications exist on the web. The hard gel capsules are safe for daily consumption and help one deal with the additional symptoms of parasitic infections. You will not fall victim to acne or excessive sebum production while you eat them. Expert parasitologists have also confirmed that Metabon is not dangerous but very good for cleansing every organ in the body.

Composition & Ingredients

Ingredients Phyllanthus Amarus Extract 

Metabon’s composition is rich in herbal extracts that detoxify the liver, stomach, pancreas, and intestines. The herbal ingredients improve hormonal balance and cleanse the skin. The formula is 95% effective for getting rid of parasites and helminths for good. It can also be used to prevent future infections and as a way of prophylaxis.

The main results families can achieve with Metabon’s organic composition are:

  • Get Rid of Parasites & helminths for Good;
  • Have Clean & Glowing Skin;
  • Improve Hormonal Balance & Stay Energized;

The main ingredients in the formula are:

  • Phyllanthus Amarus Extract;
  • Centella Asiatica Leaf;
  • Curcuma Longa;
  • Apium Graveolens;

3 Foods & Herbs That Help Us Tackle Parasitic Infections

Parasitic Infections

Science has determined that over 300 types of parasites and 70 types of single-celled protozoa live in and on the human body. Like us, parasites want to be fed and warm. Here our interests diverge, so the idea is to cleanse from parasites and their eggs and larvae through food, herbs, and hygiene. This helps maintain an acceptable level of internal balance which is different for every individual.

If it is logical to perform an in-and-out cleaning of our home twice yearly, then, the same logic should be applied to our bodies. They are the temples of our souls so we must take good care of them so that they can serve us well. Take a shower every day and never forget to clean your hands before and after meals. These are simple rules that you can follow to keep parasitic entities at bay. Also, do not forget that certain foods and spices can help you eliminate existing infections.

The 3 foods and herbs for tackling parasitic infections in the body are:

  1. Coconut Milk & Coconut Flakes. This anti-parasite mixture is especially suitable for children. Mix the coconut flakes with the coconut milk. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for 2 days. Take 1 tsp 3 times a day before meals. If it is intended for adults, the dosage may be increased.
  2. Red Cayenne Pepper. Much like turmeric, the piperine in red cayenne peppers is an excellent anti-parasitic and antibacterial agent. Consume it regularly but in moderate amounts to maintain good gastrointestinal balance.
  3. Grind a medium-sized onion. Pour a glass of boiling water and let it stay so for 12 hours. Strain the infusion and drink half a glass a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 days.

Keep Parasites Away with better Hygiene & Dieting

About 1/3 of the world’s population has suffered from a parasitic infection at some point in their life. The best way to prevent this is to maintain the best possible hygiene standards. This is also valid for meal preparations. Opt for including more detoxifying products in your diet.

Bottom Line: One of the best-selling and most reliable products for full-body detoxification in Malaysia, India, and the Philippines is the Metabon capsules. They get excellent feedback in most client reviews and testimonials on forums. Their light organic composition cleanses both the internal organs and the skin. There are no complaints about contraindications. Professional parasitologists confirm that the hard gel pills are safe and bring more benefits than medicine.


Alexandra Smith

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